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Genesis 10:1-4

5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built.

6 And the Lord said, 'Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.


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If a termite came up to you and said "My colony has built a great tower from a hollowed out tree - we are now equals with humans." Any reasonable person would say: "No way Jose! Go to the moon and back, and then come and talk to me". I know that some of you are screaming "KILL IT! KIIIIIILL!" but there is no reason to kill the termite and its colony - they aren't a threat (and it soon loses its ability to speak English anyway : )

So why does God act as a child? (only children jump on sand castles at the beach and Babel would have just been a sand castle to him). Maybe because the story was written by people who had the mental age of children.

The moral of the Babylonian Tower story is that God doesn't like arrogance and the only way to resolve this problem is by destroying it. So all arrogant people should live in fear from divine retribution and those willing to do God's work.

If the God of the Old Testament was perfect he wouldn't have destroyed the tower, he would have descended to the people (if that's what he wanted to do) and said something a bit like this:

"My children, I am proud to see this day where people are working together hand-in-hand for a better future. However do not forget; it may appear that you know everything but in fact there will always be something new to discover. To show you this, I give you calculus to increase your knowledge of mathematics. May you always strive to increase your knowledge for a better future for all"

Isn't this more intellectually satisfying than: "It's clobbering time -me crush you!"

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